Director's Message

The role of education in an individual’s life can be best described in the words of Lao Tzu, when he says, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions.they become your habits.

watch your habits, they become your your character, it becomes your destiny.” Education plays an intrinsic role at each stage of development for it sows the seeds of thoughts in the mind and grows into the tree character for the individual. The development of education has been parallel to the development of human civilization throughout the years. It evolved from the age of gurukuls and madrasas to the modern-day system of schools and still continues to expand and change with the changing needs of the society. The skill development of an individual has been a center concern for framing the education curriculum in order to chisel out potential for building a life of purpose and meaning. It helps each person to recognize their strengths and crave a niche for themselves in a field that caters to their interests and innate skill set. Envisioning education without recognizing the role of schools is a half-baked pie, for it falls on to schools to chalk out a curriculum that aims to encompass the development of an individual holistically. Schools not only work on the outward aspects of development but also serve as a sanctum for etching morals and values on young impressionable minds. They serve as roots for the society and empower individuals to branch out into the world as global citizens with potential to bring about a positive change in the social tapestry. Schools serve as a melting pot for parents and teachers to work together to groom children. They synthesize the concept of parenting and imparting education into an established structure, so as to ensure that a child blossoms into an individual conscious to the needs of the society. It takes a village to raise a child into an empathetic, empowered and enlightened citizen. Thus, the schools and parents with joint effort need to work towards providing quality education to the children, in order to build an inclusive society where each individual is at peace both on the outside and within.

Warm Regards,

Mrs. Barninder Paul Sekhon.
